Introducing Charles Joyner, MD and Zach Butler, the hosts of Twisted Wisdom


Who in the hell are these guys and what is Twisted Wisdom? After several years of planning we’re thrilled to introduce ourselves to you.  I happen to be a cardiac electrophysiologist in practice for almost 20 years. Zach is a cardiac device representative. More importantly, we are curious, gregarious, and unafraid to try new things.  We’re eager to share our experiences and hear about yours.  

We want Twisted Wisdom to be the result of our enlightening conversations about dilemmas facing men in a rapidly evolving society.   Nothing is off-limits and we’ll leave no stone unturned. We want to leave you both informed and entertained, maybe even inspired.

In this introductory episode will talk a bit about ourselves and our backgrounds. We’ll talk about the foundations of a good topic for our podcast. We also admit to the obstacles that we let stand in the way of our podcast for the past five years.

If you have a time, start here so we can introduce ourselves. If you want to jump right into our first official topic, you can proceed to episode two “The genius of procrastination?”

Thanks for joining us on this ride!


The Genius of Procrastination?